Players Needed for the MLS Market

We are looking for a Center back 

Age 23-28

1.87m or bigger

Good speed to cover space behind and deal with 1 v1 in channels

Free transfer or 6 months ending contract with nominal fee 

Defensive Midfielder

Good mobility and ball winning, tackling.

Ok ability to play and connect but need some physical presence with the 2 guys we plan to play as 8 and 10


-23-30 years old

-6’2” or bigger – 187 cm or bigger

-Pace/Speed over distance

-Very fit and can press for 90 minutes

-Likes to run in behind the defense and play back shoulder (Always an option to play into or in behind)

-Good person/character

-Determination and character

-TAM level striker – 700k salary and amortized transfer.

-Loan Preferred

Center Midfielder

-23-28 years old 

-Budget- 300k wages

-High work rate on both sides of the ball

-Progressive passer, comfortable and wants football at feet to dictate tempo

-Bridge between the backline and the forwards 

-Comfortable receiving the ball under pressure.

-5’9” or taller

Right winger/ Second Striker

-Pace and speed.

-Continuous movement without the ball. Always looking to run in behind with good timing and urgency. The player likes to move more with out the ball than with the ball at his feet.

-Willing to work defensively to counter press and work back into good starting positions.

-good 1v1 dribbling and drives the game forward with pace.

-Ability to finish plays off. Both in by assisting and scoring. 

– 700k or less

– Loan preferred

– 23-30 years old